Project power: 2 700 t/y of propylene oxide


Technology developer: LLC “Production Group” Techinservice ”

Сhief designer: LLC “Production Group” Techinservice ”

General contractor: private joint stock company «grebinki a machine-building factory»

Implementation period: November 2018 – June 2019

Description of the project:
The project is based on the technology of the LLC “Production Group” Techinservice ” which developed in 2017 its own process of production propylene oxide from propylene and hydrogen peroxide by epoxidation using a TS-1 catalyst of its own production. This technology, called HPPOa differs from existing world analogues by using a catalyst the production process of which is differe by use of solid fumed silica as a source of silicon ions and using acetonitrile as a propylene solvent. The technology of HPPOa has successfully passed the laboratory stage and is at the stage of industrial implementation. Techinservice has begun designing a unit with a capacity of 2 700 tons per year, and also began to develop and manufacture the equipment of this project. The installation is scheduled on June 2019.